Artisan Spirits Guatemala


Moonshine 100%

Doña Amalia Cusha

The Essence of a Centuries-Old Tradition

In the heart of the mountains of San Andrés Itzapa, Guatemala, a cultural treasure has been born that has withstood the test of time: Cusha. Doña Amalia Cusha is more than a spiritual drink; it is the result of centuries of artisanal tradition and a passion for our ancestors.

Every sip of Doña Amalia Cusha transports you to a story rich in Mayan heritage and a commitment to quality. Distilled with the care and dedication of generations of local producers, our Cusha is a tribute to the land that nurtures it and the skilled hands that make it possible.

Our brand represents authenticity and respect for our roots. With the Denomination of Origin as a seal of quality, we guarantee that each bottle of Doña Amalia Cusha is a unique experience, worthy of sharing with the world.

Join us on this journey of flavor, history, and culture. Discover the essence of a centuries-old tradition with Doña Amalia Cusha.

Entradas recientes

Denominación de Origen «Cusha»

CARTA NO. 1 Guatemala, Lunes 4 de Septiembre de 2023 Estimados miembros de las autoridades competentes y amantes de la rica culturaguatemalteca, Me dirijo a ustedes con un profundo respeto y admiración por la tradición ancestralque envuelve la producción de la bebida «Cusha», un tesoro de nuestras tierras quemerece ser protegido y reconocido en su…

The Night of the Great Storm:

Years ago, an unexpected storm broke out infull Cusha distillation process. Local producers, without electricity or access to modern technology, were challenged by the situation. However, in the midst of the storm, a group of neighbors came together to help. With flashlights and great camaraderie, they managed to finish the production by candlelight. That night,…

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